Welcome to Autistic Women Everywhere (AWE)
Autistic Women Everywhere (AWE) is a free worldwide autistic-run initiative and resource developed for autistic women, including gender-diverse people on the spectrum and those interested in autism. AWE provides a space for women of all ages to share their lived experience of autism through stories, books, and quotes. AWE is not an organisation or a commercial enterprise. It is a project nurtured by its founder, Michelle Dorothy Riksman.
Sharing Our Lived Experience of Autism Worldwide
Is a Late Diagnosis of Autism Worth it?
Since my
diagnosis, I've
become kinder
to myself

Reducing Barriers
For Others to
Obtain a Daignosis
It is
to be seen at
every age

Do autistic people grieve differently?
inner riches – an autistic woman’s story of love & motherloss by Michelle Dorothy Riksman
This heartwarming memoir tells the story of an extraordinary bond between a mother and daughter. Grief on the autism spectrum is not often talked about. Contrary to many myths, this book demonstrates how autistic people deeply feel. It mines the depth of human emotion and is like no other book about grief. Experience Michelle’s transformation following her late diagnosis of autism and gain deeper insight into the emotional lives of autistic women. At the same time, discover unique strategies for healing after loss.
"inner riches has helped people from all walks of life, of all ages, those on and off the autism spectrum."
Dr. S Anderson Ph.D

Dear Potential AWE Contributor
You don't need to be a writer to share your diagnosis story
To share your diagnosis story on AWE, you must be a woman (including
gender-diverse people) 18+ with a clinical diagnosis of autism.
Feel Free to offer Feedback Or to Share Your Diagnosis Story;
Fill in The Contact Form Below First; then AWE will take you to the Next Step.

How has your formal
diagnosis helped you?

What led to your formal
diagnosis of autism?
In the meantime,
think about questions
1 & 2